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Taco Tuesday with June West & Salenta the Selecta – presented by jelena.wav

  • 5:00 pm - 9:00 pm | Tuesday November 28, 2023
  • PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
  • 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku

jelena.wavプレゼンツ、ロサンゼルスの音楽シーンを代表するアーティスト、June WestSalenta the Selectaが贈るスペシャルタコチューズデー。

June Westのソウルミュージックとヒップホップ、Salenta the Selectaの実験音楽、ダンス、テクノなど幅広いジャンルがビニールに刻まれ、ユニークなサウンドのコラボが織り交ぜられる、一夜限りの特別なイベント。



June West is a Los Angeles-based artist with a special affinity for soul music and other mysterious rhythms of life. As a DJ, producer, and designer in the underground music scene, she explores how music can be used as a tool for healing and self-transformation. Her 2023 EP Blue Lotus was self-produced and released on her label-imprint Soul Qi Records.

Salenta the Selecta is a DJ and musician from Los Angeles with roots from Brooklyn, NY. Spinning vinyl is her favorite; and she tends to spin a range of genres like hiphop, experimental, dance and techno. She performs in a duo called Salenta + Topu, who recently released “Moon Set, Moon Rise” on vinyl via Futura Resistenza.

jelena.wav is a creative music executive, event producer, movement artist and philanthropist connecting the world through the power of music, movement and good deeds. She finds joy in curating unique experiences designed to uplift the spirit, cultivate felicity and build conscious community.

Other events happening on Nov 28, 2023

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