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Lobby Live with Le Son Du Couple

  • 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm | Sunday October 27, 2024
  • Ace Hotel Kyoto | Ace Hotel Kyoto
  • 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
  • Free

韓国出身のデュオ、Le Son Du Coupleをお迎えします。Le Son Du Couple(仏語で「ふたりの音」)は、ディレクターのホ・ナムフンと作家のキム・モアによるクリエイティブな旅の物語。彼らは人生と旅の境界を曖昧にし、その美しい体験をもとに本、音楽、映画を生み出しています。


また、Le Son Du Coupleが京都で撮影した写真展「レター・フロム・京都」も、10月26日(土)から10月28日(月)の7:00~19:00にスタンプタウンコーヒーで展示されます。


Excited to welcome South Korean duo, Le Son Du Couple.

Le Son Du Couple, meaning ‘The Sound of a Couple’ in French, is a creative journey by director Namhoon Huh and writer Moa Kim. They blur the lines between life and travel, crafting books, music, and films sparked by the beauty of those experiences.

This intimate set will feature their signature dreamy piano and guitar melodies. Swing by Stumptown, grab a glass of wine or beer, and settle in for a melodic Sunday afternoon.

Le Son Du Couple will also be exhibiting their photographs from their time in Kyoto – Letter from Kyoto will be on display from October 26 – October 28, from 7:00 am – 19:00.


About Le Son Du Couple 


2015 ‘Le son du couple’ in Europe

2018 travel home, van life

2021 Conte D’Hiver _ winter story

2022 Conte De Printemps _ spring story

2022 Conte D’été _ summer Story

2023 Conte d’Automne _ fall Story


À Mouchamps LP released in 2023

2024 Amomento Hannam Store sound production and directing

2024 Amomento 25SS Paris Presentation sound production and directing

Sound production for the 2024 Fritz Hansen ‘Paul Kjærholm’ exhibition


2020 À Mouchamps _ Ofr.Seoul

2020 À Mouchamps _ One Bookstore

2021 Winter Story _ One Bookstore

2023 Four Seasons Series _ One Bookstore

2024 Letter from Kyoto to be exhibited in Seoul in September


2020 Ofr.Seoul


2023 Ofr.Paris

2023 Ofr.Paris residence Montvalent

2024 Culture Station Seoul 284

2024 Fritz Hansen ‘Paul Kjærholm’ exhibition performance

Description’Le Son Du Couple <The sound of couple in French>’ is an art project by director Huh Namhoon, and writer Moa Kim, who breaks down the boundaries between travel and life and creates books, music, and films with inspiration from those moments. It’s based on travel and life.

It is a project that is close to a kind of evocation, in which director Huh Namhoon, and writer Moa Kim, present the stories we want to tell ourselves and the world. We wanted to shout and communicate with the cultural results that we can, so we replaced <man and woman> with a couple, and <story> is the sound we want to make in the end, so we replaced it with ‘sound’ and <The sound of couple> in French, ‘Le Son Du Couple’. I named it. The reason I chose French is because if I could choose it if I were born again, it would be France. Since we were children, we immersed French films, music, literature, and art and have been greatly influenced by them. We can’t choose the country, time, method, or parents in which we are born. So that was the answer to the question we asked. “If you were to be born again, where would you want to be?”Like this, every project starts with a question.

‘Le Son Du Couple’ is an attempt to ask better questions in life, an effort and question to live independently. An attempt to put ‘why’ in front of obvious things and ask ourselves. While we were asking each other the essential question, ‘How do we want to live?’, we decided to live life like a travel and travel like life.

‘Le Son Du Couple’ is the life we want to live and travel for a certain period of time. Life and travel have an end, but because life has no end in sight, everyone forgets that there is an end. But since the journey has an end in sight, everyone works hard to fill every moment of every day. Record it in writing, photos, music, and video, show it to the world, and hold an exhibition.

Other events happening on Oct 27, 2024

7:00am @ Stumptown Coffee Roasters

Letter From Kyoto Exhibition by Le Son Du Couple at Stumptown Coffee Roasters

Le Son Du Coupleが、京都への旅の思い出を綴った写真展「レター・フロム・京都」をお届けします。彼らのユニークな京都の視点を、スタンプタウンコーヒーでお楽しみください。Le Son Du Couple will also be showcasing their photography from a past journey to Kyoto, titled Letter from Kyoto. Take in their unique Kyoto-inspired views at Stumptown Coffee.

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