
Artist In Residence 2023/2024

Our 2023/2024 Partner: Geisai

村上隆が率いるカイカイキキギャラリーによって復活したイベント GEISAI は、アートコンペティションを通じて注目の新人アーティストを発掘、精選します。このコンペティションは、さまざまな経歴を持つ若いアーティストが自分の作品を観客に披露することを目的として創設されました。GEISAI は、国際的なギャラリーや団体から絶賛されている多くのアーティストのキャリアをスタートさせてきました。東京にあるカイカイキキギャラリーは、過去 20 年間にわたりアーティストの発掘、育成、マネージメントに携わっています。


While working in a Tokyo advertising agency, MOUSO-YATAI Producer began illustrating characters and buildings inspired by Tekkon Kinkreet movies as a creative outlet from corporate life. It was during this time that they became inspired by the melancholy of the food stalls that appeared and disappeared without a trace, and the stories that emerged from these places. This later became the inspiration for their “delusional food stall” series, in which MOUSO-YATAI Producer depicted the kind of carts they wished existed by incorporating animation techniques.

MOUSO-YATAI Producer was in residence during the month of July 2023 and showcased their exhibition, Kyoto Karasuma Anekoji Higashi -Iru – Mouso -Yatai Street at Ace Kyoto from August 2023 – October 2023.


Contemporary artist Momo finds inspiration in musical sounds and lyrics. When creating in their signature text-based art style, Momo uses music to guide the words and colors chosen for each piece. Momo credits family ties and human love as major influences in their work.

Momo was in residence during the month of October 2023 and showcased her exhibition, _27_ at Ace Kyoto from November 2023 – January 2024.


Mitsuko Watanabe found their signature artistic style through playing with stones as a young child. This interest later developed into installations using piled stones that incorporate poems to reflect the personality of each work.

Watanabe was in residence during the month of January 2024 showcased their exhibition, In Living, We Find Love at Ace Kyoto from February 2024 – April 2024.


Osaka native Gento creates drawings using colored pencils as their medium. Originally inspired by the style of Keith Haring, Gento evolved their artistic technique over years to find their own perspective. Gento hopes that their work will inspire people to look beyond their own prejudices and preconceptions.

Gento was in residence during the month of April 2024 and showcased their exhibition, Hit the nail on the Head at Ace Kyoto from May 2024 – July 2024.(extended to September 2024)