Saturday Night Ace : DJ SHIOTSU
- 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm | Saturday October 14, 2023
- PIOPIKO | Ace Hotel Kyoto
- 245-2 Kurumayacho, Nakagyo-ku Kyoto
毎週土曜日 @ACE HOTEL in PIOPIKO 19:00 – 23:00
Since 2001, he has been performing as a club DJ. Known for his unique style and deep experience, he communicates his authentic taste through DJing with a focus on Black music. His broad selection and skillful sets have earned him a loyal fanbase. Recently, he has been active as a DJ at venues like hotels and lounges, as well as events such as sports tournaments, weddings, and banquets.
Regular Parties
Every Saturday @ ACE HOTEL in PIOPIKO 19:00 – 23:00
Second Saturday of each month @ NOHGA HOTEL KYOTO KIYOMIZU
Other events happening on Oct 14, 2023

Saturday Night Ace : DJ HOPE at PIOPIKO
様々なジャンルや年代の垣根を超えたプレイスタイルを通じ、多様なシチュエーションで、活躍の場を広げている。 His play style transcends various genres and eras, allowing him to expand his presence across diverse settings and events. @hope_uky
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Upcoming events at Ace Hotel Kyoto

RECORD SHOP rare groove Special DJ Showcase : NORIO at PIOPIKO
大阪心斎橋に店舗を構えるレコード・ショップ”rare groove”のオーナー。 ディスコ、サイケデリック・ロック、ニューエイジ・ミュージック、ハウス・ミュージックなど、ディープ&ワイドなセレクションのストアには、国内外から多くのDJや音楽愛好家が訪れる事でも知られる。
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Wine Makers Dinner with RAEN Winery at KŌSA at Kōsa
カリフォルニア州サンタローザにあるRAENワイナリーの共同設立者、カルロ・モンダヴィが監修した4種のワインとKōsaの旬の食材を使った6コースのお食事とのペアリングをお楽しみください。 お一人様 18,000円(税・サービス料込) ご予約はこちら Join us for a six course meal at Kōsa, paired with a variety of wines curated by Carlo Mondavi, co-founder of RAEN Winery located in Santa Rosa, California. Tickets are 18,000 JPY (tax and service charge all inclusive) and are available for purchase through TableCheck. Menu – 1st dish: Grilled escarole, Smoked Tonyu, Sunchoke chips グリルしたエスカロール、豆乳のスモーク、菊芋チップ 2nd dish: Yellowtail crudo, umeboshi aioli, fried nori, micro herb salad ハマチのクルード、梅干しのアイオリ、揚げ海苔、マイクロハーブサラダ 3rd dish: Winter vegetables, cashew sauce 冬野菜、カシューナッツソース 4th dish: Wild…
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